Masturbation is a popular topic of discussion among sex therapists for men who suffer from premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. But can masturbating actually help you last longer in bed?

Many people are surprised to learn that the answer may be yes! That’s right, there are both advantages and disadvantages to indulging in some solo play before getting intimate with a partner.

So, let’s dive deeper and explore the ins and outs of how masturbating can impact your sex life. We’ll get into the details of how often you should be practicing self-love, and what other techniques you can use to increase your stamina.

So if you’ve ever wondered whether or not masturbating can make you a better lover, then you’re in the right place! Just sit back, and relax, as ShagLonger dives deep into the question “can masturbating make you last longer in bed?”

Benefits of Masturbating: To help with Premature Ejaculation

Masturbation isn’t just all about pleasure – it can actually help you improve your sexual performance. Let’s get into a few of the different ways it helps to give you better control over your ejaculation

Desensitize the penis

Masturbating before getting under the sheets has its perks, and one of them is that it can desensitize the penis, making it less sensitive during sex. This can help guys last longer before hitting their peak, which translates to more quality time with their partner.

By pleasuring themselves beforehand, men become more attuned to their arousal levels, which can come in handy when trying to control their climax during intercourse.

Pent-up sexual tension

Pent-up sexual tension is a common experience for many individuals, especially those who have not engaged in sexual activity for a prolonged period of time. This buildup of sexual energy can result in premature ejaculation during sex.

Masturbating before sex can be an effective way to alleviate this tension and last longer in bed. By releasing some of the sexual energy before engaging in intercourse, individuals can reduce their level of excitement and prolong the experience.

tense man

Boost in confidence

Another benefit is that masturbation can help increase confidence in the bedroom by providing an opportunity for self-exploration and discovery. By learning what feels good and how to pleasure oneself, men become more comfortable expressing themselves sexually with partners which often leads to better communication about desires and needs between bed partners.

The male refractory period

The male refractory period is the time that a man’s body needs to recover after a good ol’ ejaculation. Now, during this period, getting another erection or orgasm can be a real struggle, or even impossible. But here’s the cool thing: the refractory period can actually help men go the distance in bed.

Basically, this downtime allows a man’s body to recharge its batteries and recover after the fireworks have gone off. This means that the level of sexual arousal decreases and the body gets a chance to rest and relax.

And that’s not all! This recovery time can actually help delay ejaculation, allowing men to keep going and going during subsequent rounds of sexual play.

Disadvantages of Masturbating before sex

It is important to remember that there are potential disadvantages associated with masturbating too frequently or relying on it as the only method for lasting longer in bed.


One of the main disadvantages of masturbation is overstimulation. This occurs when a person becomes so used to their own sexual stimulation that they find it difficult to achieve the same level of pleasure during intercourse with a partner.

Overstimulation can also lead to decreased sensitivity in the penis, making it harder for men to reach orgasm during sex.

A study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine conducted a study on masturbating frequency in men and enjoyment in sexual experience and concluded “For men, more frequent masturbation was associated with overall worse sexual satisfaction”

So that’s something to keep in mind.

Masturbation isn’t like the real thing

Another disadvantage is that relying solely on masturbation may not provide enough practice for men who want to last longer in bed during intercourse.

Masturbation does not always replicate real-life sexual scenarios and therefore may not give men enough experience or confidence when engaging in sexual activities with another person.

Potentially addictive

Masturbating too much can turn into a harmful habit or addiction, especially if done without taking breaks. Men who use it to last longer in bed should take breaks and try other methods like breathing exercises or mindfulness, (which we will get into later on).

While masturbation can help in the short term, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and long-term effects.

addicted man

The Refractory Period

Now, when you’re young and spry, this downtime is usually short and sweet, and some guys might even be able to go for a round two pretty quickly. But as you get older, things start to slow down, and that refractory period can stretch out longer and longer.

So, it’s important to know your own body and how long your refractory period typically lasts. That way, you can manage expectations and plan accordingly. Maybe that means taking a little break in between rounds or trying out some new techniques to get things going again.

How long and how often should you masturbate?

It’s important to remember that masturbating is totally normal and healthy, but it’s crucial not to let it become an unhealthy habit or addiction. So, guys, it’s essential to practice moderation and limit the frequency of your sessions.

Men should practice moderation and limit the frequency of their sessions. Factors such as age, lifestyle, stress levels, and sex drive can affect how often you masturbate. Remember, it’s not about the amount of time you spend pleasuring yourself, but rather finding a healthy balance in your habits

There’s no real set time you must spend pleasuring yourself during each session. However, experts suggest limiting each session to around 10-20 minutes to avoid becoming overly reliant on masturbation for sexual satisfaction.

For those prone to developing addictive behaviors around sex-related activities, it’s important to set goals and focus on reducing the frequency and duration spent engaging in these activities while increasing time spent doing other productive tasks. So go ahead, and enjoy the benefits of masturbation, but don’t forget to keep it in moderation and maintain self-control.

(Although masturbation can be a useful tool, being addicted to porn will not help your PE)

Masturbation Exercises

Often the favorite solution to premature ejaculation by any sex therapist, masturbation exercises can be a great way to enhance the experience and promote a deeper connection with yourself. Here are a few exercises that can be done while masturbating to help you gain more control over your body during sex

The squeeze technique

A squeeze technique is when you stimulate yourself until you reach the point of orgasm but then stop before it actually happens. This helps train your body to recognize when it’s close to climaxing so that you can stop or slow down if necessary during intercourse. It also increases pleasure as the sensations build up gradually rather than peaking quickly at one moment.

Kegel exercises

Involve contracting and releasing the pelvic floor muscles (the muscles that support the bladder, bowel control, and sexual function) in order to strengthen them and improve their tone. This helps with sexual performance by increasing blood flow and sensation in this area of the body. This can lead to stronger erections and better orgasms for both partners involved in intercourse.

If you’re interested in learning more about this particular exercise, we have done a full breakdown of Kegel exercises!

Breathing techniques

Breathing techniques are another important part of lasting longer during sex because they help regulate arousal levels by calming down any anxiety or tension that may be present due to fear of not being able to perform adequately or satisfy one’s partner sexually.

Slow, deep breaths taken from the diaphragm will help reduce stress hormones like cortisol, which can interfere with sexual arousal and make it difficult for men (and women) to stay aroused long enough for satisfying sex sessions without premature ejaculation.

Alternatives to Masturbation

Exploring alternatives to masturbation can be a great way to help you last longer in bed and make sex more enjoyable. Here are a few ways to last longer/stay harder in bed without medication:

Desensitizing Sprays or Creams

These can be applied directly to the penis before intercourse to reduce sensitivity and delay ejaculation. These products temporarily numb the nerves in the penis, allowing men to last longer in bed without relying on their own self-control.

Practicing Mindfulness Techniques

Mentally overcoming PE is a great natural option that should be attempted. Mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, and progressive muscle relaxation may help men become more aware of their arousal levels and better control their ejaculatory reflexes.

Practicing these techniques regularly can help them gain greater control when they reach orgasm during sex with a partner.

man meditating


So to wrap things up, masturbation can be used as a great tool to help men last longer in bed when used correctly.

Not only does it desensitize the penis, but it also helps you become more aware of your arousal levels, as well as providing an opportunity for men to practice specific exercises that can help them control their ejaculation reflexes.

But remember guys, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Masturbation shouldn’t be the be-all and end-all of your endurance-boosting tactics. It’s also important to explore other options that suit you too.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to choose what works best to prolong sex for you. But with a little caution and common sense, you just might find that “jerking off to last longer in bed” is more than just a myth!

Jocelyn Padilla, Certified Sex Educator

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