In the fight against premature ejaculation, edging has been persused to be a useful tool. Edging, also known as “peaking” or “surfing,” is a technique that involves bringing oneself close to orgasm and then stopping stimulation to prevent ejaculation.

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive understanding of both edging and premature ejaculation, plus how they can impact a man’s sex life. Using reliable sources, we will explore the benefits and potential risks of edging, various strategies for managing PE, and how the pelvic floor muscles can play a role in orgasm control and sexual stamina.

Whether you are looking to improve your sexual pleasure, achieve better orgasms, or simply want to take control of your sexual health, this article will provide valuable information and insights. So, let’s dive into the fascinating world of edging and PE and learn how you can take control of your sexual response cycle! Are you ready to discover the powerful benefits of edging and the many options available for treating PE?

What Is Edging? And why is it used?

As mentioned earlier, edging is a technique for delaying or controlling orgasm during sexual activity. It is often used to improve sexual stamina and to increase the intensity of orgasms.

The origin of edging is unclear, but it has been a part of sexual practices for a long time. Edging is also sometimes referred to as orgasm control or the stop-start method.

The technique involves sexual stimulation, which brings a person close to the point of no return or the point where ejaculation is inevitable. At that point, stimulation is stopped or reduced, allowing the urge to ejaculate to subside. The process is then repeated several times before eventually reaching orgasm.

You can perform edging solo or with a partner, which can be done using hands, sex toys, or by having a partner stimulate the person. Some proponents of edging claim that it can improve sexual health and stamina and enhance the overall sexual experience.

Edging also incorporates Kegel exercises, which strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, leading to better orgasms.

Communicate effectively

It is important to communicate effectively with your sexual partner when practicing edging and to seek guidance from a healthcare provider if there are concerns about sexual dysfunction or other sexual health issues.

couple on bed happy

Does Edging Work for Premature Ejaculation?

The effectiveness of edging as a treatment for premature ejaculation is still being researched, but some studies suggest that it can be a helpful tool in preventing PE.

Edging involves bringing yourself close to orgasm, but then stopping before actually reaching it. This helps to build up sexual tension and control, which can be particularly helpful for men who struggle with PE. By practicing edging, you can train yourself to become more aware of the physical sensations leading up to orgasm and better control them.

Practice edging technique

Through repeated practice of edging, you can also train your body to withstand greater levels of stimulation without ejaculating. This can make sex last longer and reduce the occurrence of premature ejaculation. Additionally, edging can also lead to a more intense orgasm, making sex a more enjoyable and satisfying experience for both you and your partner.

It’s important to keep in mind that edging is not a one-time solution for PE. It requires regular practice and patience to see results. You should also be mindful of your comfort levels and not push yourself too hard or too fast.

Communication with your partner is also key, as they can help you determine when to stop and start during the edging process.


Unfortunately, there is limited evidence-based research on the effectiveness of edging as a treatment for premature ejaculation. The existing studies have small sample sizes and often lack robust methodology, making it difficult to draw firm conclusions about the benefits of edging. However, some preliminary research suggests that edging can help improve sexual stamina and control, leading to reduced instances of PE.

This study of a sample size of 40 men mentions that the start-stop method (edging) and squeeze method were used as part of sex therapy and were found to slightly increase the time it took for ejaculation to occur after 12 weeks of training.

However, it’s important to note that in these studies, the techniques were combined with psychological treatment for possible underlying causes of premature ejaculation, such as self-doubt or relationship conflicts. As a result, it’s unclear what benefits these techniques might have when used on their own.

In other words, this study suggests that more research is needed to determine the effectiveness of the start-stop method and squeeze method in reducing PE, as the available research is of low quality and it’s not clear if the benefits are solely due to these techniques or if they are influenced by psychological treatment.

Expert opinions on the use of edging

Expert opinions on using edging as a treatment for PE are mixed. Some sexual health experts view edging as a useful tool in addressing PE, especially when combined with other techniques.

However, others believe that more research is needed to fully understand its effectiveness and recommend seeking a comprehensive approach to treating PE that addresses both physical and psychological causes.

Pros of edging

  • Improved Sexual Stamina: Edging helps to delay orgasms and improve sexual stamina, which can result in a more satisfying sexual encounter for both partners.
  • Better Control Over Ejaculation: Edging allows for greater control over when you choose to reach orgasm, which can help to prevent premature ejaculation and improve sexual confidence.
  • Enhanced Sexual Pleasure: By delaying ejaculation, edging can result in more intense and prolonged orgasms, increasing sexual pleasure and satisfaction.
  • Incorporates Physical Exercise: Edging involves the contraction of pelvic floor muscles, which can help to strengthen these muscles and improve sexual health.
  • Can be Practiced Alone or with a Partner: Edging can be performed either solo or with a partner, making it a versatile option for individuals or couples seeking to improve their sexual experience.

Cons of edging

  • Requires Practice: Edging requires consistent and dedicated practice to achieve the desired results, which can be time-consuming and difficult to incorporate into a busy lifestyle.
  • May Require Communication with a Sexual Partner: If practicing edging with a partner, effective communication is essential to ensure both partners are on the same page and comfortable with the practice.
  • Not a Cure-All: Edging is not a guarantee for solving premature ejaculation or other sexual dysfunctions, and may not be effective for everyone.
  • May Interfere with Natural Sexual Response: For some individuals, the practice of edging may interfere with their natural sexual response cycle and decrease sexual enjoyment.
  • Potential for Physical Discomfort: Contracting pelvic floor muscles for an extended period of time during sexual intercourse can result in physical discomfort or pain for some individuals.

Additionally, some individuals may find the practice to be stressful or overwhelming, especially if they are already struggling with premature ejaculation.

In conclusion, edging may have some potential benefits for those looking to improve their sexual stamina and control. However, it’s important to remember that each individual’s sexual response cycle is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. And more robust research is needed to fully understand its effectiveness.

If you’re interested in using edging to treat PE, it’s best to speak with a healthcare provider to discuss using edging in conjunction with other treatment options, which we will get on to later.

How to Safely Practice Edging

When practicing edging, it’s important to prepare both physically and mentally. Here are a few tips to help ensure a safe and comfortable experience:

  • Choose a comfortable environment: Ensure you have enough space and privacy to engage in sexual activity. If you do it with a partner, communicate with them and establish any boundaries before beginning.
  • Get yourself in the right mindset: Edging requires focus and self-awareness, so it’s important to clear your mind and eliminate distractions. You can do this by setting aside dedicated time for edging, meditating, or engaging in other relaxation techniques.
  • Use lubrication: Lubrication can help reduce friction and prevent injury. Make sure to use a high-quality, water-based lubricant.
  • Pay attention to your body: If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop immediately and seek medical attention if necessary.
couple on bed

A step-by-step guide to edging

Here’s a basic tutorial guide to help you get started with edging:

Step 1: Begin sexual stimulation

Start by engaging in sexual activity, either solo or with a partner. You can use your own body, or sex toys, or let your partner stimulate you.

Step 2: Pay attention to physical sensations

As you become more sexually aroused, pay attention to the physical sensations in your body. Pay special attention to the sensations leading up to the point of no return.

Step 3: Stop stimulation before reaching orgasm

When you feel the urge to ejaculate, stop stimulation and wait until the urge subsides. You can also use the squeeze technique or the stop-start method to help delay orgasm.

Step 4: Repeat the process

Repeat the stimulation and stopping process several times, each getting closer to the point of no return.

Step 5: Allow yourself to reach orgasm

Once you feel ready, allow yourself to reach orgasm. This can be a powerful and intense experience.

Tips for avoiding injury and discomfort

Here are some additional tips to help you avoid injury and discomfort while practicing edging:

  • Don’t overdo it: Edging is a gradual process, so don’t try to do too much too soon. Take your time and listen to your body.
  • Practice regularly: Regular practice can help you build sexual stamina and increase your control over the sexual response cycle. However, it’s important to avoid overdoing it and give your body time to rest.
  • Communicate with your partner: If you are edging with a partner, make sure to communicate effectively and establish clear boundaries. This will help ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience for both partners.
  • Consider incorporating kegel exercises: Kegel exercises can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and increase orgasm control. Incorporating kegel exercises into your edging practice can be a great way to enhance the experience.
  • Consult with a healthcare provider: If you have any concerns or questions about edging, it’s important to speak with a healthcare provider. They can provide additional guidance and help you determine if edging is right for you.

Understanding the arousal cycle

Knowing the four stages of arousal can be beneficial when practicing edging as it can help you better understand and control your sexual arousal.

  1. The first stage is the excitement phase, characterized by increased heart rate, heavy breathing, and genital engorgement.
  2. The second stage is the plateau phase, where sexual tension builds and the body experiences increased blood flow to the genital region.
  3. The third stage is orgasm, characterized by intense physical pleasure, muscle contractions, and ejaculation (in men). If you reach this phase too quickly that is when you can likely feel PE.
  4. The fourth stage is the resolution phase, where the body returns to its pre-arousal state.

By being aware of these stages and monitoring your physical responses during sexual arousal, you can gain greater control over your sexual experience and engage in edging more mindfully and intentionally. This can lead to longer-lasting sexual sessions and help you achieve a more intense and satisfying orgasm.

Other techniques

There are several other similar techniques in addition to edging that can be used to help delay ejaculation. A lot of these techniques are used in behavioral therapy; here are a few to consider:

Squeeze technique

This involves stopping stimulation just before reaching orgasm and then applying pressure to the base of the penis for several seconds. This helps to reduce arousal and prevent ejaculation. After a few seconds, stimulation can be resumed, and the process can be repeated several times before finally allowing yourself to orgasm.

Check out our full breakdown of the squeeze technique.

Breathing techniques

Controlled breathing can help you to slow down and regulate your arousal level. Taking deep breaths, holding for a few seconds, and then slowly exhaling can help you to slow down and remain in control during sexual activity.

Kegel exercises

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through Kegel exercises is a great way to help PE, as it can help improve control over the muscles that are responsible for ejaculation. By strengthening these muscles, you can improve your ability to delay orgasm and maintain control during sex.

Distraction techniques

Distracting yourself during sexual stimulation can help you to delay orgasm. This can involve thinking about something non-sexual, like work or household chores, or even just focusing on your breathing or the sensations in your body. 5. Masturbation: Masturbating before sexual activity can help to reduce your level of arousal and improve your ability to control ejaculation during sex.

man meditating


So let’s wrap up this article on edging and premature ejaculation. We’ve explored what edging is, how it works, and whether or not it’s effective in treating PE. So, what have we learned?

Well, edging involves bringing yourself close to orgasm but then stopping before actually reaching it. By practicing edging, you can train yourself to become more aware of the physical sensations leading up to orgasm and better control them. This can lead to improved sexual stamina, more intense orgasms, and reduced instances of PE.

But here’s the thing, edging is not a one-time solution. It requires regular practice and patience to see results. And don’t forget to communicate with your partner, they can help you determine when to stop and start during the edging process.

As for the evidence on edging and PE, it’s still a bit of a mixed bag. Some studies suggest it can be helpful, but more research is needed to fully understand its effectiveness. And when it comes to expert opinions, well, they’re split too! Some experts view edging as a useful tool, while others believe a comprehensive approach to treating PE is best.

So, what’s the bottom line? Edging has its pros and cons, and it’s important to communicate with your partner and seek guidance from a healthcare provider if you have any concerns.

Ultimately, only you can decide whether edging is right for you. But hey, it never hurts to try new things, right? And who knows, you might just surprise yourself with the results! I hope you found this article informative and enjoyable. Until next time!

Jocelyn Padilla, Certified Sex Educator

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