If you’re here, you’re likely wondering about the connection between the frenulum and premature ejaculation. Well, you’re in the right place because that’s exactly what ShagLonger will be discussing today.

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common male sexual dysfunction characterized by rapid ejaculation that occurs before or shortly after sexual penetration. It can affect sexual intimacy and enjoyment and is often a source of frustration and embarrassment for all individuals involved.

So, what does the frenulum have to do with premature ejaculation? Well, some experts believe that a tight frenulum can lead to increased tension during sexual activity, which can result in PE. This idea is supported by the fact that some men with premature ejaculation have reported improved symptoms after undergoing a procedure called a penile frenulectomy, which involves restricting the frenulum tissue.

In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at the relationship between the frenulum and premature ejaculation. We’ll be exploring the scientific evidence behind this connection, as well as other factors that can contribute to PE. We’ll also be discussing treatment options, including surgical options, for individuals affected by PE.

So, buckle up, and let’s dive in!

man sat on sand

What is the penile frenulum?

The penile frenulum is a small band of tissue that connects the shaft of the penis to the foreskin (or the head of the penis, in uncircumcised men). It plays a vital role in the functioning of the penis during sexual intercourse.

During intercourse, the frenulum helps to control the movement of the penis and provides sensation during stimulation. This enhances intimacy and sexual enjoyment for both partners.

Does the Frenulum Cause Premature Ejaculation?

Regarding the question of whether the frenulum causes premature ejaculation, there is still ongoing research and debate in the field of sexual medicine.

Some studies suggest that a tight or short frenulum can contribute to quick ejaculation, as the frenulum is connected to the nerves and tissues involved in ejaculation. When frenulum tension exceeds a certain limit, an orgasm, and ejaculation may be sped up.

Scientific evidence

This study aimed to examine the relationship between a short frenulum and premature ejaculation and to evaluate the effectiveness of frenulectomy (a surgical procedure to remove the frenulum) in treating PE.

The study involved 137 patients complaining of lifelong premature ejaculation, of which 59 (43%) had a short frenulum. After frenulectomy, there was a significant increase in intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT) and a reduction in PE symptoms, as measured by a validated questionnaire.

The study suggests that a frenulectomy could be an effective treatment option for premature ejaculation.

Different causes

However, it is important to note that many different factors why a man might experience premature ejaculation, and the frenulum is not necessarily the sole cause. For example, psychological factors such as stress and anxiety, as well as physical factors like erectile dysfunction and hormonal imbalances from thyroid issues can also play a role in premature ejaculation.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that not all men with a tight frenulum experience premature ejaculation. It’s also possible for men without a tight frenulum to experience PE.

Ultimately, it is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive evaluation and understanding of the individual’s unique circumstances. This can be best achieved by consulting a specialist, who can use a premature ejaculation diagnostic tool to determine the underlying causes and develop a personalized treatment plan.


A medical professional can conduct diagnostic tests and procedures to find the root cause of PE. Here are some of the typical steps your doctor may take for a general diagnosis of PE:

  1. Medical history: Your doctor will ask about your symptoms, as well as your sexual history, including any past difficulties with premature ejaculation.
  2. Physical exam: Your doctor will perform a physical exam to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be causing your PE.
  3. Sexual history and habits: Your doctor will discuss your sexual habits and concerns, including how often you have sexual intercourse, and how long it typically lasts.
  4. Evaluation of ejaculatory function: Your doctor may ask you to record details about your sexual activity, including how long it takes you to ejaculate, to gain a better understanding of your ejaculatory function.
  5. Psychological evaluation: In some cases, a mental health professional may be involved to assess any psychological factors that may be contributing to your PE.

In the case of determining if your frenulum is the cause, diagnostic tools may include assessments of penile erection, frenulum tension, and intravaginal ejaculation latency time.

In some cases, a tight frenulum (frenulum breve) may contribute to PE, as the frenulum tension exceeds the normal limits. This can lead to penile hypersensitivity and rapid ejaculation.


Non-surgical ways to help the frenulum

If you’re experiencing discomfort or pain during sex due to a tight penile frenulum, you may be considering surgical options to address the issue. However, there are non-surgical ways to stretch the frenulum that you can try first.

One method is to perform frenulum-safe stretches daily, which involves gently pulling on the frenulum to gradually increase its flexibility. It’s important to use lubrication during these stretches to avoid causing further discomfort or injury.

During sex, using lubrication can also help with a tight frenulum by keeping the area smooth and slick during penetration. This can reduce friction and prevent further irritation.

If non-surgical methods are not effective, a doctor may prescribe steroid creams or ointments to help get rid of a tight frenulum.

Surgery to remove the frenulum

If a tight frenulum is identified as a cause of PE, a frenulectomy (surgical removal of the frenulum) may be recommended. This procedure involves restricting the frenulum tissue and can be performed with a long-acting local anesthetic and dissolvable stitches.

The surgery allows for a decrease in penile tension which can potentially decrease sensitivity, which could address the cause of PE. It can also improve the range of motion of the penile skin, resulting in enhanced sexual enjoyment. The recovery period is typically brief, with individuals able to resume sexual activity after a few days.

Note: Although surgery is available to help with premature ejaculation, it should really be seen as a last resort and not something that you should consider lightly. There are plenty of less extreme solutions to try first.

Other ways to treat PE

In cases where PE is not caused by a tight frenulum, other treatment options may include:

Behavioral Therapy

The squeeze technique is a behavioral therapy that involves interrupting sexual stimulation just before ejaculation and then using a squeeze to help delay it. It can help men gain better control over their ejaculation and delay the onset of PE.

Another common technique is the “stop-start” method, where a man will stimulate himself sexually until he feels close to ejaculating, then stop and wait for the sensation to subside before continuing.

This can help a man learn to control his arousal and delay ejaculation. Additionally, practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, can help reduce performance anxiety and improve sexual stamina.

Medical Therapy

Medical therapy involves using medications to delay ejaculation. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as fluoxetine, sertraline, and paroxetine, are commonly used to treat PE.

SSRIs work by slowing down the process of ejaculation by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain. These medications should be taken under the guidance of a doctor, as they can have side effects and may interact with other medications.

Natural Male Enhancement Supplements

For men looking for an alternative to prescription medications, natural male enhancement supplements can be a great option for treating PE.

These supplements contain a blend of herbs, vitamins, and minerals that have been shown to support sexual health and improve sexual performance. Some of the common ingredients found in these supplements include maca root, ginseng, and L-arginine

The benefits of natural male enhancement supplements for PE are many. They are generally considered to be safe and effective, with few side effects. Unlike prescription medications, they do not require a doctor’s visit or a prescription.

They can be purchased easily and discreetly online or at a local health food store. Additionally, they are often more affordable than prescription medications. Check out our extensive review of Performer 8

Frequently asked questions

here are some of the most common questions asked about the and its relationship towards premature ejaculation:

Does removing the frenulum make you last longer?

A: It is believed that removing the frenulum (also known as frenulectomy) can lead to an increase in the range of motion of the penile skin, which can lead to an increase in sexual enjoyment and potentially an improvement in premature ejaculation.

However, there is limited research on the effects of frenulectomy on sexual function and premature ejaculation.

Q. Can frenuloplasty help with premature ejaculation?

A: In some cases, frenuloplasty can help with premature ejaculation. It can reduce penile tension, which is a contributing factor in premature ejaculation. However, the success of frenuloplasty in treating PE varies from person to person, and it is not a guaranteed solution.

Q. What are the disadvantages of frenulum?

A: A tight frenulum can result in painful erections, and in severe cases, can prevent a full erection from occurring. Additionally, a tight frenulum can also lead to a decrease in sexual enjoyment.

Q. Do circumcised men last longer in bed?

A: There is limited research on the relationship between circumcision and intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT). Some studies suggest that uncircumcised men may have a higher risk of premature ejaculation, but more research is needed to confirm these findings.

Q. Does removing frenulum decrease sensitivity?

A: The removal of the frenulum can lead to a decrease in sensitivity in some men, but it can also result in an increase in sexual enjoyment for others. This is a complex issue, and the effects of frenulectomy on sensitivity can vary from person to person.

Q: What does removing the frenulum do?

A: The procedure involves cutting or releasing the frenulum, which is a band of tissue that connects the foreskin to the penis.

By restricting tissue, the frenulum can contribute to tension and discomfort during sexual intimacy, which can lead to PE in some individuals. Removing the frenulum reduces this tension, allowing for improved sexual function and enjoyment.

Jocelyn Padilla, Certified Sex Educator

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