Let’s be real, sometimes you’re like a marathon runner, and other times you’re more like a sprinter. But why is it that some nights you’re setting personal bests, and other times you’re barely crossing the finish line? 

Maybe it was due to a lack of stamina or a loss of interest, but whatever the cause, it can be an incredibly frustrating and even painful experience. dia

Whether it’s a one-time occurrence or a recurring problem, it’s important to understand that sexual performance can be affected by various psychological and physical factors.

So, if you’re ready to discover the science behind your stamina (or lack thereof), let’s dive in and explore the ups and downs of sexual performance.

Psychological and physical factors impact performance.

Sexual performance can be affected by a combination of psychological and physical factors.

Psychological factors impacting sexual performance include stress, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, and past sexual trauma. These mental health conditions can cause problems with desire, arousal, and ejaculation or orgasm.

Physical factors affecting sexual performance include hormonal imbalances, chronic illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes can cause premature ejaculation, as well as certain medications. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by physical issues such as poor blood flow to the penis or nerve damage. 

Physical factors That Affect Premature Ejaculation

Yeah, your body plays a big role in how long you last in bed. Keeping fit, eating well, and getting enough sleep can all help boost your stamina. But don’t forget, it’s not just about the physical stuff. Your mind and your relationship with your partner also play a part. In the next sections, we’ll look into how your confidence and excitement levels, and how both you and your partner can communicate better to improve your sexual experience too.

Exercise and Physical Activity

Hitting the gym or going for a run can do wonders for your sexual stamina. When you’re in good shape, you’re more likely to last longer in bed. Exercise helps get the blood flowing, and that’s key for sexual performance. Plus, when you’re feeling good about your body, and you’ve built some muscle, you’ll have a boost in confidence that can help you keep going.

Sure, there are some findings that say fat men are more durable  in bed, but really, being healthy is a great way to feel better about yourself and delay ejaculation.

Overall Health and Wellness

It’s not just about exercising, taking care of your overall health and wellness can also play a big role in how long you last. A healthy diet and enough sleep can make a huge difference. And it’s important to manage stress because nobody performs well when they’re feeling anxious. Here are a few tips to help you improve your sexual performance:

  1. Healthy Foods: Eating a balanced diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can improve circulation and boost energy levels, which can help improve sexual performance. Consider adding more leafy greens, berries, nuts, and fatty fish to your diet. Avoid processed foods and high-sugar foods, which can contribute to weight gain and poor circulation. Read our full list of foods to help you stay erect
  2. Stress Management: Stress can affect your body, including your sexual performance. Try to maintain healthy habits and boundaries like creating a morning routine that sets your day for success, journaling your thoughts on paper, guided meditation or breath work (breath work can help majorly in sex as people tend to hold their breath when breath can actually assist with stress in sex).
  3. Tips for better sleep: Getting enough restful sleep is crucial for sexual performance. Try setting a nightly routine, turning off your phone 2 hours before bed, and eating dinner 2 to 3 hours before bed. This will help your body relax and prepare for a good night’s sleep.

Chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, or obesity can also affect sexual function, so it’s important to keep those in check. And if you’re taking any medications, it’s worth checking if they might have side effects that impact sexual performance.

In summary, taking care of your physical fitness and overall health and wellness can definitely have a positive impact on how long you last in bed. Eating healthy, managing stress, and getting enough sleep are just a few ways to improve your sexual performance.

Psychological factors for premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation can also be influenced by psychological factors such as confidence, excitement, desire, stress, and anxiety. These feelings and emotions can greatly impact sexual performance and the timing of ejaculation.

In this section, we will explore how these factors work and some techniques for addressing them, however, it’s important to note that it’s not just about psychology, relationship factors can also play a role. In the next sections, we will explore how relationship factors, such as communication and trust, can affect premature ejaculation and sexual experience.

Confidence and self-esteem

Confidence and self-esteem can have a big impact on sexual experience, including premature ejaculation. Men who have low confidence in their sexual abilities may experience anxiety or performance pressure, which can lead to premature ejaculation or even erectile dysfunction. Improving confidence in one’s sexual abilities can help to decrease anxiety and improve sexual performance.

Here are some techniques for improving confidence and self-esteem:

Identifying triggers

Building self-awareness and understanding personal triggers for anxiety or performance pressure. One of the most effective ways to manage anxiety-related PE is to identify the triggers that cause it and learn how to manage them. Identifying triggers can help to reduce anxiety and improve sexual performance.

For some people, performance anxiety can be related to body image or self-esteem issues. Addressing these underlying issues with therapy or counseling can help to reduce performance anxiety and improve sexual function.

Other triggers may be related to environmental factors such as stress, relationship issues, or even physical discomfort. Identifying these triggers and learning how to manage them can be effective in reducing anxiety and improving sexual performance.

Seeing A Sex counselor

Seeking therapy or counseling if necessary to work through underlying emotional issues that may be affecting sexual performance. Seeing a sex therapist can be an effective way to uncover the psychological causes for early ejaculation, work through them and delay ejaculation naturally.

A sex therapist can help men to understand the underlying causes of PE from sexual encounters and work with them to develop strategies for managing the condition.

A therapist will typically start by conducting a thorough evaluation, which may include a physical examination and a discussion of the person’s medical and sexual history. They will also assess the person’s relationship dynamics, sexual behaviors, and emotional states, to identify any possible factors that may be contributing to PE.

Once the underlying causes of PE have been identified, the therapist will work with the person to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Sex therapists do not conduct physical examinations of their patients, the patient’s doctors often refer them. Sex therapists and coaches differ greatly in what they can or cannot do. Coaches take current issues happening in the client’s life and help solve those issues for a better future. Sex therapists spend more time in the past digging to find clues to deep-rooted trauma and issues plaguing the patient. Therapy is more medical, coaching keeps the client in charge of how the sessions are shaped. Just a few distinctions between both. 

Excitement and desire

Yeah, excitement and desire can definitely make a big difference in how long you last in bed. When you’re really turned on, it can be hard to hold back and reach orgasm. Men who get overly excited experience premature ejaculation more often.

But it’s important to remember that everyone is different and some people might find it easier to control themselves, while others might need to work a bit harder.

Also, remember that your relationship and how you’re feeling emotionally can play a part in how excited you are and how much desire you’re feeling during sexual intercourse. Try to play around with your sexual arousal.

Stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety can have a significant impact on bedroom performance, including the development of premature ejaculation.

Stress and anxiety can affect how you perform by causing problems with erections, decreased libido, and difficulties with orgasm. These issues can contribute to the development of PE by increasing feelings of performance pressure and anxiety during sexual activity. Stress can also lead to muscle tension, which can make it more difficult to delay ejaculation.

Anxiety, in particular, can be a major contributing factor to PE. Anxiety about sexual performance can lead to a “vicious cycle” in which the more one worries about PE, the more likely it is to happen. This can create a self-fulfilling prophecy, in which the more one anticipates PE, the more likely it is to occur. This is commonly seen in people with performance anxiety, who experience excessive nervousness or worry about their ability to perform sexually.

It’s always important to consult a healthcare professional to diagnose and discuss the treatment options for premature ejaculation.

Relationship factors

In some cases, relationship problems may be the underlying cause of premature ejaculation. For example, suppose a man feels emotionally or sexually unfulfilled in his relationship. In that case, it may lead to a lack of interest in sex and difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection, which can lead to PE.

It’s important to note that relationship problems and premature ejaculation can have a reciprocal effect on each other, relationship issues can contribute to PE, and the stress of early ejaculation can contribute to further relationship stress. A negative cycle can be established, professional help may be needed to break out of it.

Communication with partner

Communication is key in any relationship, but it’s especially important regarding sexual issues like PE. Many guys might feel embarrassed or ashamed about PE, but it’s important to remember that it’s a common problem. Being open and honest with your partner about it can really help in understanding and addressing the problem. Plus, it can make the relationship even stronger.

Trust and intimacy

Trust and intimacy are important ingredients for a healthy relationship and they can have a big impact on sexual function. If you have a strong emotional connection with your partner, it can actually improve sexual function and control over ejaculation. On the other hand, if trust and intimacy are lacking, it can increase the likelihood of PE. So, try to focus on building trust and intimacy with your partner, it will not only help with PE but with your relationship overall.

Sensual Wellness Tools

In addition to focusing on overall health and wellness, there are also sensual wellness tools that can assist with premature ejaculation (PE) at home. These tools can help with delayed ejaculation or help with creating or maintaining an erection. Here are a few examples:

  1. Cock rings or penile rings: These devices are worn around the base of the penis and can help restrict blood flow out of the penis, which can help maintain an erection. Cock rings can help delay ejaculation by decreasing sensitivity.
  2. Lube: Lubrication can help with early ejaculation, dryness and discomfort during intercourse, making it easier for men to last longer. It can also enhance sensation for both partners.
  3. Delay sprays/creams: There are creams and sprays that can be applied to the penis to decrease sensation and help delay ejaculation. 
  4. Penis pumps: These devices can help improve blood flow to the penis, which can help create or maintain an erection.
  5. Thicker condoms: Using thicker condoms can prolong ejaculiation by reducing the sensitivity of the penis.
  6. Edging: Edging is the practice of bringing oneself to the point of orgasm and then backing off, this can help with stamina and prolonging the sexual act. This can also be combined with pelvic floor exercises, which are also known as Kegel exercises, which can help improve the strength of the muscles responsible for ejaculation and orgasm.
  7. Natural supplements: Using natural male enhancement supplements can help men last longer in bed without the need for medication. Check out our top recommended product: Performer 8.

It is important to note that these tools should be used cautiously and under medical supervision if needed. Some men may have underlying medical conditions that make the use of these tools unsafe. It’s always good to consult with a medical professional to know what is the best for you.

Sensual wellness tools such as cock rings, lube, delay creams, penis pumps and the practice of edging and pelvic floor training can all help assist with premature ejaculation and improving sexual performance. However, it’s important to use these tools with caution.


In summary, communication and intimacy are essential for understanding and addressing the problem. It can improve sexual function and reduce the impact of PE. If you are looking for more ways to treat premature ejaculation, we have many resources and information available on our site.

It’s good to remember that everyone is different, so don’t compare yourself to others. It’s important to focus on what works for you and your partner, and not to get too hung up on what others are doing. More research is needed to explore new and effective treatment options.
Read more of our blog for tips to last longer in bed.

Jocelyn Padilla, Certified Sex Educator

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