Blowjob teeth is an issue that comes with different opinions from different men, while some men like little teeth some say it’s a no-no during a blowjob
When giving a guy a blow job, think of it as making love to his favorite area of his body rather than merely sucking him off.
The quickest path to a man’s heart is through his penis, not his stomach. Making love to his penis is more exciting to males than simply sucking him off.
I admire your eagerness to learn more about delivering a blow job. A lot of women just go at it blindly, with no concept of what represents a good or bad blow job.
Here are 5 Techniques to give an amazing blowjob without teeth
When it comes to a blowjob, each man has his own likes and dislikes which is normal to seek advice on, but it’s not possible to totally avoid contacting your teeth to your penis, so don’t worry about it.
The tip of the penis or the tip of the head is extremely sensitive. Although there aren’t as many nerve endings as in your clitoris, it’s the best comparable.
Most guys want a harder touch around the shaft than you may anticipate, but don’t overstimulate the tip, as this can be extremely uncomfortable for the owner.
Begin with a gentler touch and gradually increase it dependent on his response. You should be able to communicate vocally if possible, but you can also observe whether he is flinching and pulling back or “leaning” into it.
You have teeth that line the length of your gums both above and below, and there is a limit to how wide your mouth may comfortably open.
Penises vary in size, but they are usually always broader than the gap between your teeth, thus they will come into touch with the penis.
What (most) guys don’t want is for you to purposefully scrape your teeth against the penis, however, some are fine if it’s merely along the shaft, and the head of the penis if it’s more inside your mouth.
You should definitely simply ask. It will set a great example for your partner and educate him to question what works best for you, it will provide an optimal experience for both of you, and verbalizing your wishes may be a huge turn-on.
You don’t have to take notes or ask for directions, but you can ask him if it feels nice, if he likes it, if he wants you to go faster or slower, suck harder, use your hands, play with his balls, or shove a finger in his ass.
Okay, you might want to reserve some of those until after you’ve gotten to know your partner better, but the point is that it’s not only OK to ask, but it can really heighten the thrill.
2. Keep Your Lips Curled
There is just one way to do it: keep your lips curled over your teeth.
This is extremely important when you sense he’s about orgasm and increase the intensity to heighten his pleasure. It’s easy to forget, in the heat of the moment, when you’re caught up in the excitement of what’s ahead, that you must constantly sheath your dentition with your lips. Don’t ever forget.
Congratulations if, after you’ve done everything you can to achieve his orgasm, you discover that your teeth have scratched the inside of your lips all to hell! You stayed true to the primary directive.
3. Make an “O” Shape With Your Mouth
With your mouth, you form an “O.” It is not difficult to accomplish. When doing the blowjob, you should open your mouth a little wider.
Put both of your thumbs together and suck the two of them into your mouth at the same time, thrusting in and out. I’m sure you don’t bite your own thumbs and scrape the skin off them, do you?
4. Purchase a realistic dildo (about his size) and practice with it.
You’ll ultimately become familiar with the location, feel, and your own rhythm. Otherwise, the difficult route is the only option. And it’s only by doing it enough times with him that you’ll get excellent at it. All the knocks and bruises included.
Even so, some people are incapable of performing them good. They have an innate desire to bite or bite down. That’s why they can’t seem to get anything going when they have a penis in their mouth.
But, once again, practice will go a long way.
5. Use circular tongue movement and squeeze method
Squeeze the penis between the roof of the mouth and the tongue. Engage it in this manner deeper back in your mouth, rather than nearer the front.
Does Blowjob Damage The Teeth?
Your teeth should not be damaged as a result of oral sex. Too much sugar and acids in the food, meal particles that are still in the mouth and are not removed by regular professional brushing and flossing, and bacteria that feast on the sugars in plaque that forms in your mouth are all factors that contribute to tooth decay.
The bacteria then make additional acid, which eats away at your teeth’ enamel. [1]
Although both sperm and vaginal fluids include different acids as well as fructose sugar [2, 3], it is exceedingly improbable that they would linger in your mouth long enough to cause tooth damage. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t brush your teeth after oral sex if it helps you feel more at ease.
The only item that comes to mind that could harm your teeth during oral sex is genital piercings, which could lead you to chip a tooth, however, this is more likely if your teeth are already damaged. If your spouse has piercings, proceed gently until your mouth understands what to avoid.
What Happens If You Get a Cut on Your Penis During a Blowjob?
Unless you are a hemophiliac or have an STI, you should be fine if the cut is minor. If the skin has been entangled on something, such as dental braces, and is bleeding severely, go to an emergency room to have it stitched up.
Because the mouth and genitals are the fastest healing regions of the human body, any tiny cut will heal quickly. This is due to the replication of DNA being the major reason for the existence of living beings.
If an organism is unable to feed, it is unable to fuck. It can’t fuck if the sexual apparatus is “damaged,” thus those functions are prioritized in tissue repair to assure reproduction.
Without rapid emergency medical attention, you may develop necrosis surrounding the incision.
As a result of the nerve endings dying, you will lose sensation in that area for the rest of your life. No regrowth.
The wound would heal rapidly, but just on the surface. Nerve endings or feelings are not required for proper function or ejaculation.
I'm a middle-aged, professionally certified herbalist who went from being a 3 min to a 45 min stallion in bed. I write about my experiences and share my knowledge. I created this site to share & use my experience to help you build more confidence in the bedroom. Read More
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